Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We know you are but are your tires ready for spring?

Your tires play an important role in car safety since they physically touch the ground affecting handling and braking. All it takes are quick and short routine checks that are worth your time and your family’s safety.

There are a lot of different factors that can affect the condition of your tires. As a vehicle owner, you should visually check your tires on a daily basis. If you detect any of the problems listed below, have it professionally inspected, fix the conditions, or replace your tires.

Check for cracks and cuts.

Depending on how deep the damage is, the tire might be repairable but we highly recommend just replacing the tire because you can never be too sure. Situations such as this you’d rather be safe than sorry.

Check tread depth.

Treads are the ridges on tires that create friction keeping the vehicle on the road. Newer tires wear down and expose a different color indicating that the tread has reached its minimum depth. You can also check your tread depth by using a tire gauge. The tread depth shouldn’t be lower than 2/32”. Tire gauges are extremely affordable and can be found at any auto shop but before you buy one try using a penny. Take a penny and put it in different areas of the tread with Lincoln’s head upside down against the tire. If his entire head is showing, then your tread has reached 2/32” and should be replaced immediately.

Check tire pressure.

Tire pressure is the amount of air in your tires measured by pounds per square inch (psi). Tire pressure is important because it improves your mileage and extends tire life saving you money. You should check your tire pressure monthly, especially before making a long drive. Tire pressure gauges are also very inexpensive and can be found at any auto shop and even some gas stations. If your tires are not properly inflated, then it will affect turning, braking and stability. Be careful though because if your tires are too inflated then there will be less surface area which means less friction keeping the vehicle on the ground. The average tire pressure is 35 psi. To find the correct tire pressure for your vehicle, specifications are printed on your car door post and in the owner’s manual.

Spring is a rainy season and when your tires are bad it can lead to hydroplaning when driving at fast speeds and failure to brake in time to prevent collision. I hate to say this but it’s common sense to drive safe during bad weather conditions. Keep these tips in mind and stay safe everyone!

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